May 28, 1808
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
On the first Tuesday in June next, at Columbia
Court house, between the usual hours,
Will be Sold
ALSO, 202½ acres of
land in Wilkinson county, district No. 28 and lot No. 151, levied
on to satisfy sundry executions againstAbraham
Cobb and returned to me by John McDonald Constable
ALSO, 202½ acres of land in
Wilkinson county, district No. 20 and lot No. 47, Also 202½
acres of land in Baldwin County, dist. No. 7 and lot No. 15 taken to satisfy
two executions, John Watson vs. John Hill, and returned to me by
Revel Constable.
July 16, 1808
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
On the first Tuesday in August next,
at the Court House in the town of Waynesborough Burke county, between the
usual hours
Will be Sold
ALSO, 202½ acres of land in
the 27th district, Wilkinson county, number 9. Also, 202½
acres of land in the 19th district of Baldwin county, no 64, the above
tract of land levied on as the property ofReuben
Kent, to satisfy an execution in favor of Moses Mulkey and others.
September 2, 1808
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
On the first Tuesday in October, at the
Market-house in the City of Augusta, within the hours proscribed by law,
the following property , or as much thereof as will satisfy the tax due,
Will be Sold
Also, 202½ acres of land in
Wilkinson county, returned by A. McClaws; tax due 1 dol. 8½ cents
Also, 202½ acres of land in
10th Wilkinson, No. 76, returned by Augustus Moore; tax due 16 dols. 8
Also, 202½ acres of land in
the 27th Wilkinson No. 21 as returned by John
Riley, tax due, 1 dol. 7 cts.
Also, 202½ acres of land in
16 Wilkinson No. 114, returned by John Sears, tax due 2 dols. 71
Also 202½ acres of land 13
Wilkinson No. 154, returned by John Sears as Executor of John McKinny,
tax due, 2 dols. 29 cts.
Also, 202½ acres of land in
Wilkinson, returned by James Davis, tax due, 62½
Also, 202½ acres of land,
Wilkinson, returned by Joseph Garrett, tax due, 62½ cents
Also, 202½ acres of land 15
Wilkinson, returned by John Flint, tax due, 7 dols 31 cts.
November 22, 1808
Milledgeville Intelligencer
WILL BE SOLD, On the first -day in December
next. at Wilkinson Court-house, at the usual hours, Lot No. 164, 2d district,
Wilkinson, levied on as the property of Nancy Moore, to satisfy
the costs of a prosecution for living in adultery, and for stealing a bee
Also, lot No. 148, 25th district,
Wilkinson, levied on as the property of Nathan
Bridges, sen, and Nathan Bridges, jun. to satisfy Thomas
Fitch, property pointed out by the plaintiff.
Also, lot No. 212. 24th district,
Wilkinson county, levied on as the property of Lewis
Smith, John York, Joseph B. Johnson, James Smith, Burwell Smith, and
Adcock, to satisfy Robert Thompson's execution.
Also, one
negroe girl, taken as the property of James Stacks, to satisfy the
administrators of
Joseph Stacks, deceased.
Willis Anderson, Sh'ff. October 28,
June 13, 1810
Georgia Argus
Sheriff's Sale. Will Be Sold, On the first
Tuesday in July next, at Twiggs Court house, between the usual hours. One
Lot of Land; No. 220, in the 28th district of Wilkinson now Twiggs county;
levied on as the property of Joseph
Woodall to satisfy John Middleton's execution. Conditions cash.
E. Nunn, Sh'ff. May 29, 1810.
August 1, 1810
Georgia Argus
Sheriff's Sale. One Lot of Land;
No. 25, in the 26th district of Wilkinson now Twiggs county; levied on
as the property of Aaron Wood
to satisfy
an execution in favor of Agrippa Atkinson.
Also Lot No. 45, in the 24th district
of Wilkinson now Twiggs county; levied on as the property ofRandle
Henderson to satisfy an execution in favor of Batt Jones. Conditions
cash. E. Nunn. Sh'ff. July 3
One Lot of Land, in the 25th district
of Wilkinson now Twiggs county, taken as the property of Josiah
Irvin to satisfy William B. Allison's execution against said
Irvin. Returned by the constable. Conditions cash. E. Nunn Sh'ff. Aug.
August 15, 1810
Georgia Argus
~excerpt. Sheriff's Sale Postpo'd. One Lot
of Land; No. 45, in the 24th district of Wilkinson now Twiggs county, levied
on as the property of Randle
Henderson to satisfy an execution in favor of Batt Jones. Conditions
Cash. E. Nunn, Sh'ff. August 22.
September 15, 1810
Augusta Chronicle
NOTICE. NINE month after date application
will be made to the honorable the inferior court of the county of Richmond
for an order to sell one tract of land containing two hundred two and one
half acres, known by No. 7, in the 26th district Wilkinson, at the
time of survey, now Twiggs, being the real estate of Obediance
Bugg, dec. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said deceased.
Bazel Lamar, Adm'r
July __, 1810
September 19, 1810
Georgia Argus
Sheriff's Sales. Will Be Sold, On the first
Tuesday in October next, at Twiggs Court-house, between the usual hours,
One Lot of Land, In the 26th
district of Wilkinson now Twiggs, No. 21; levied on as the property of James
Lyon to satisfy an execution in favor of the Executors of Charles Martin,
Also, One Lot, No. 250,
in the 25th district of the Wilkinson now Twiggs county; levied on as the
property of James Finch to satisfy
sundry executions in favor of E. and Thomas Hudson - Returned by a constable.
Also, One Bay Horse, taken as the
property of William Robertson to
satisfy the State's execution against said Robertson.
Also, One Chestnut Sorrel
Horse, and one Waggon, taken as the property of James Durham, to satisfy
the States execution against said Durham.
Also, One Lot no. 121, in the
23d district of Wilkinson taken as the property of
James Griffin to satisfy George M'Geigney's execution. Returned by
a constable.
Also, Lot No. 29, in the 25th district
of Wilkinson, now Twiggs county, taken as the property ofJosiah
Irvin to satisfy William B. Allison's executions against said Irvin.
Returned by a constable. Conditions cash
E. Nunn, Sh'ff. August 29.
17 Oct 1810
The Argus
Pg. 3. ~excerpt~
Official Return (except the counties of Scriven, McIntosh, and Morgan)
the result of the Election, held on Monday
the 1st day of October, for
Members of the ensuing General Assembly,
and four Members of Congress.
Talliaferro Battelle
Terrelle, Brown, Raines
Wilkinson Ball
October 31, 1810
Georgia Argus
~excerpt~ Sheriff's Sales...first Tuesday
in December next..One Lot of Land,..No. 262, in the 24th district of Wilkinson,
now Twiggs; ..property of George
Roan ...
April, 5 1811
Augusta Chronicle
For Sale, a Bargain,
Oakmulgee River Low Grounds of the First
THE Subscribers would dispose of from
One thousand to Twelve Hundred Acres of such LAND, of which about one hundred
acres are already cleared and in cultivation, with houses for negroes and
corn crib. The above Lands are in Twiggs county, 28th district Wilkinson,
4 or 5 miles below the Garrison, and immediately below the Old Fields,
so justly celebrated for their extraordinary good and deep black soil,
intermixed with isinglass; this land in point of fertility fully
equals them; it is chiefly covered with thick Cane, intermixed with luxuriant
Mulberry, Sassafras, Holly, Whiteoak, Elm, etc. all as large as nature
can produce - no undergrowth prevents further easy clearings-along the
bank are several elegant situations for fisheries, and the river affords
fish of all kinds in abundance. It is less subject to overflowing or washing
away than any low ground on the river, being secured by back waters.
The navigation is equal, if not superior to the Oconee river, and Boats
already carry down produce. The fragrant woods entirely without moss, invite
residence on the river, as well as on the adjoining high land, and no case
of bilious complexion have every appeared.
Persons desirous
to provide for themselves and family a solid settlement, on LANDS, inexhaustible
by cultivation, and yearly advancing in vale, will find it their interest
to make early application to the subscribers, who will dispose of the half
or whole, as it may suit purchasers, on reasonable terms.
Johnson &
Kunze, Augusta
Robert Johnson, Sweetwater, Colum.
John M. Kunze, Augusta
Letters directed to either will be attended
to. March 22-
September 18, 1811
Georgia Journal
Estate Sale
Frederick Outlaw, Ruth Outlaw, Adm.
September 18, 1811
Georgia Journal
Tax Collector's Sale
Willey Leanear
John Atkins
John Whittington
Arthur Bryan
John Mock
Abel Etheridge
November 6, 1811
Georgia Journal
Tax Collectors' Sale,
Giles Gallard
Lewis Neal
Arthur Herring
James Gordon
Bedkin Perriman
John Lindsey
Geo. Jemison
George Gilmore
David Lock
Jacob Langton
Susannah Griffrus
December 25, 1811
Georgia Journal
~excerpt~ Will Be Sold..first Tuesday in
January next, 6 chairs, one large and one small trunk, three tables, one
bay and to pine do (table)., one large tureen, eleven large plates, seven
small do. (plates), twelve small saucers, one small tureen, one sallad
dish, one suger do. (dish), one white pitcher, one large with dish, five
feather beds, bedsteads and some bed furniture, twelve forks, one case
knife, one table keel, two tablespoons, on large and one small waiter,
one small tin tea canister, one candle nuffer, one large butcher's knife,
one plated candle stick, and sundry other articles, taken and the property
of John Lewis Dangerfield,
to satisfy Joseph Floyed's execution.
One small negro child, takend
as the property of James Pall,
Dr. to satisfy John Caliham's...Mathew Hodges, Shff;,
December 4.
Will Be sold..first Tuesday in Januray next,..one
waggon and hind gear, levied on as the property of Joshua
Williams and
Jackson, ..John N. Oglethrope, D. S. December 4.
February 26, 1812
Georgia Journal
Committed to the Jail of Hancock county
on the 20th of January, a negro man by the name of Dred
says he belongs to R. Sherwood of Twiggs county. The owner is requested
to come forward, pay charges and take him away. Samuel Hall, Jailor.
February 12
April 8, 1812
Georgia Journal
Will be Sold, On the first Tuesday in May
next, at the court-house in Twiggs county, between the usual hours,
One bay horse, levied on as the property
of Aaron Goolsby,
to satisfy
an execution against him,
John N. Oglethorpe, D.S. April
April 29, 1812
Georgia Journal
Will Be Sold, On the first Tuesday in May
next, in the town of Marion, Twiggs county, between the usual hours, to
A lease on lot No 99, in the 25th
district of Twiggs county, taken as the property of
Samuel Powell,
to satisfy an execution in favor of Nathan Alford,
lease for one year yet to come; returned by a constable.
152½ acres Pine land, part
of Lot No 10, in the 27th district of Twiggs county. 101¼ acres
of land, part of Lot No 2, in the twenty-eight district of Twiggs county,
levied on as the property of Edward
Riley, to satisfy an execution in favor of Elizabeth Smith,
returned by a constable.
150 acres, more or less, part
of Lot No 111, in the 26th district, taken as the property of James
Frederick, to satisfy a number of executions in favor of Hays &
Lot No 232 in the 24th district of
Twiggs county, levied on as the property of Edward
Hogan, to satisfy an execution in favor of Alexander Mackey.
Mathew Hodges, Shf April
April 29, 1812
Georgia Journal
Will Be Sold, On the first Tuesday in June
next, at the court house in Twiggs county, between the usual hours, the
following property, or so much thereof as will satisfy the tax due and
A lease of lot No 34, in the 28th
district Wilkinson, now Twiggs county, to satisfy William
Adkins, Lewis Adkins, and Moses Pettis, tax due 93 3.4 cents. James
Spann, T. C. April 1
April 29, 1812
Georgia Journal
Will be Sold, On the first Tuesday in May
next, at the court-house in Twiggs county, between the usual hours,
One bay horse, levied on as the property
of Aaron Goolsby to satisfy an execution against him. John N.
Oglethorpe, D.S. April 1
May 6, 1812
Georgia Journal
Will be Sold, On the first Tuesday in June
next, at the court-house in Twiggs county, between the usual hours,
A leafed plantation of 15 acres for
the term of three years, it being a part of Lot No 10, in the 28th district
of Wilkinson, now Twiggs county, taken as the property of John
Anglin, to satisfy Henry Anglin's execution; returned to me
by a constable.
One Rifle Gun, taken as the property
of James M. Massis,
to satisfy
two executions against him. John N. Oglethorpe, D. S. April 29.
July 1, 1812
Georgia Journal
Will be Sold
On the first Tuesday in July next,
in the town of Marion, Twiggs county, between the usual hours, to wit.
Lot No. 186 in the 28th district
Twiggs county, taken as the property of John
Sappington, to satisfy Henry Pearson &c. point out by Pearson.
One improved lot in the town of Marion,
taken as the property of Britton Griffin,
satisfy Wm. R. Jones's execution, returned by a constable.
Lot No. Two hundred and six in the
28th district Twiggs county, taken as the property of
James Durham, to satisfy F. Brewer, &c. returned by a constable.
A lease on Lot No. 99, in the twenty-fifth
district Twiggs county for one year, and crop thereon, taken as the property
of Samuel Powel, to satisfy William
Kimmy and William Jelks execution against him, returned by a
Lot No. 43 in 7th district Baldwin,
now Twiggs county, taken as the property of Jackson
Russell to satisfy an execution in favor the execution of A. Young,
returned by a constable.
Lot No. 10, in the twon of Marion,
improved, taken as the property of Wm.
R. Jones, to satisfy Hambleton Foss &c. returned by a constable.
The half of lot No. 71 in the 27th
district Twiggs county, improved, taken as the property of John
Anglin, to satisfy Thweatt and Greene &c, returned by a
One half of the tract or Lot of Land,
whereon George Spann now lives taken
as his property to satisfy an execution in favor of John Dorsey,
property pointed out by the defendant.
Mathew Hodges, Shff. June
July 15, 1812
Georgia Journal
Will Be Sold. At Marion, Twiggs county,
on the first Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours, the following
property, to wit:
Lot No. 206 in the 28th district
Twiggs county, taken as the property of
James Durham, to satisfy
T. Brewer, & Co. returned by a
One half acre lot, in the town of
Marion, improved, known by No. 9, taken as the property of John
N. Oglethorpe, to satisfy A. Camfield and Co's execution.
One half of Lot No. 7 in the town
of Marion, improved levied on as the property of Thomas
to satisfy an execution, in favor of T. Brum & Co.
both said Lots levied on and returned to me by John Pearce Constable.
Conditions cash. M. Hodges, Shff. june 23.
October 7, 1812
Georgia Argus
Petition for Foreclosure of Mortgage. William
R. Jones, for the Cosm'rs of Twiggs County, Vs. John
S. Rickets.
May Term - 1812...RULE NISI,
On the petition of William R. Jones,
for the use of the commissioners of Twiggs county, praying the foreclosure
of the Equity of Redemption of a mortgage to a certain Lot of Land in the
town of Marion, containing one half acre, known in the plan of said town
by No. 5.
November 11, 1812
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
Ocmulgee Lands:
The Subscriber OFFERS FOR SALE, his Lands
on the Ocmulgee river, 3000 Acres of the first quality of Low Grounds,
and several adjoining squares of Pine Land, furnishing a number of elevated
and beautiful situations for building. If the whole cannot be sold to one
person, in which case, a very great bargain would be given; it will be
divided into tracts of 500 acres, or less to said purchasers, and
such quantities of pine land, annexed to each as may be desired. It is
fully equal if not superior in quality to the best of the beach island
land on Savannah river, and as to situation, entirely beyound the reach
of ordinary freshets. It will be offered for sale during the session of
the Legislature at Milledgeville, after which should a sale not be effected,
application may be made to the subscriber on the premises in Twiggs county,
or to Thos. H. Penn, esq. in Augusta.
November 6.
March 10, 1813
Georgia Journal
~excerpt~ Sheriff's Sale
...first Tuesday in April next,..Lot No.
9, in the town of Marion..taken as the property of John
N. Oglethorpe...Mathew Hodges, Sh'ff. March 1
April 14, 1813
Georgia Journal
Will be sold, on Tuesday the 27th of April
next, at the late residence of Gab'l
Mobley in Twiggs county, some few articles, if the terms of the former
sale are not complied with by that time; Also will be hired,
one negro Girl on that day. All persons having demands against said
estate are requested to render them in due times properly attested.
Jas. Johnston jr. Adm. March 17.
Nine months after date, applicant will
be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Burke county, for leave
to sell lot No. 102, in the 26th district of Wilkinson, now Twiggs county,
belonging to the estate of James
Bennet, dec'd; for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec'd.
Hooten, Adm'r. Jane Bennet, Adm'x. March 29
March 9, 1814
Georgia Journal
Notice. Taken up by the subscriber, and
committed to the Jail of Twiggs county, a
negro man named Tom, and a small boy named Ned, who say they
belong to Farquier Berthune of Amelia Island in East Florida, and
were taken from their master by persons who called themselves Patriots-also,
two Africans were committed to Jail, Mingo and his wife, supposed
to belong to persons in E. Florida. The owners are requested to come forward,
pay charges and get their property. William Stubbs. March 9
March 30, 1814
Georgia Journal
Whereas Asa Cotton, administrator
of Abraham Davis, late of said
county deceased, has obtained an order of the court of ordinary for said
county, for a citation for letters of dismission as administrator on the
estate of said deceased;
Given under my hand and seal this 7th February,
1914. Arch'd McIntyre, c.c.o. February 23
April 27, 1814
Georgia Journal
to preach in Marion, Twiggs county, on the last Sabbath of May; and at
Hartford on the first Sabbath in June next.
June 1, 1814
Georgia Journal
WILL BE SOLD. On the first Tuesday in June
next, at the court-house in Marion, Twiggs county, between the usual hours,
Lots No. 133, 7th district Baldwin, and
No. 71 in the 28 district, levied on to satisfy an execution in favor of
Flewellen vs. Samuel Alexander
and Turner Partons. Roger Lawson, Shff. April 25
July 6, 1814
Georgia Journal
Will Be Sold, At
the house of the subscriber, on the first Saturday in August next, All
the Personal Estate of Sarah Elliott,
late of Twiggs County, dec'd. viz-one grey mare, a small stock of cattle
and a bed and furniture; conditions of sale made known on the day of sale.
F. Powell, Adm'r. June 22
Will be sold,
at the house of the subscriber, in Twiggs county, on Thursday the 4th of
August next; All the Personal Property of Abraham
Wimberly, deceased. Conditions will be made know on the day of sale.
Persons indebted to said deceased are requested to make payment, and those
who have claims against the estate will bring them forward legally authenticated.
Ezekiel Wimberly, Adm'r. June 21
November 20, 1814
Georgia Journal
~excerpt~ to sell a lot of land, No. 92,
in the 24th district of Old Wilkinson, being the real estate of
Luke Bozeman, dec'd-..Elizabeth Bozeman, Adm'x. October 19,
November 20, 1814
Georgia Journal
~excerpt~ For Sale, also the lot No. 146
in the 25th district, formerly Wilkinson now Twiggs county, four miles
below Marion, on the road leading to Hartford. The above tracts of land
are of an excellent quality for the culture of Corn, Wheat or Tobacco.
For terms apply to the subscriber at Fort-Hawkins. Philip
Cook. August 27
June 7, 1815
Georgia Journal
~excerpts~ ..sold at the Courthouse in Marion,
Twiggs county, ..first Tuesday in July next:
Two negro men, to wit: Gordon
35 or 40 years of age, Pollydore,
about 30 years of ages, taken as the property of Samuel
ALexander, ..
Also, three negro men, Charles,
about 35 or 40 years of age, Cuff, about 45 years of age, and Davis,
a house Carpenter, about 25 or 30 years of age, and one lot of land No.
130 in the 7th district of Baldwin now Twiggs county, levied on, and taken
as the property of James Hardin...
Also, one half of lot No. 7 in the
town of Marion, to wit: that half whereon William
Picken had a shop and Jacob Todd a store..
Also, one elegant grey mare,
taken as the property of James Faulk..
ALso, a pile of Shingles, between
two and 3000, taken as the property of James
H. Kidd...
Also, one lot of land, No. 34 in
the twenty-eight district of Wilkinson now Twiggs county, taken as the
property of Jeremiah Pool...
Also, one Waggon and Gear, and five
head of horses, to wit: two bay horses 9 or 10 years old, one bay mare
same age, two black horses, 10 years old, two Cows and yearlings and three
heifers, taken as the property of Arthur
Also, one lot of land No. 134
in the 24th district of Wilkinson county now Twiggs county, taken as the
property of George Gains....
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in July
One lot of land number 269, well
improved, in the twenty-fourth district of Wilkinson now Twiggs county..property
of William Lyon to satisfy
and execution in favor of the administrators of William and Charles
Smith, under the incumbrances of a Widow's Dower - and 25 acres sold
to pay the tax of said land-property and incumbrances pointed out by George
Walker. John Faulk, D. Shff. May 27, 1815
Pursuant to an order..inferior court of Jackson county,...sold a the court-house in Twiggs..Lot no. 260 in the 25th district Wilkinson when drawn, now lying in Twiggs county containing 202 1/2 acres, belonging to the Orphans of Jeremiah Holliday, deceased..H. Montgomery, Edw. Adams, Guard'ns. March 9.
August 9, 1815
Georgia Journal
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in September
next, at the court house in the town of Marion, Twiggs county, between
the usual hours, to wit:
One lot of land, No. 208, in the
25th district of formerly Wilkinson now Twiggs county, taken as the property
of James Durham to satisfy
an execution in favor of the state of Georgia against said Durham and
Denard - property pointed out by James Durham.
One half acre lot in the town of
Marion, No. 10, taken and the property ofWilliam
R. Jones and William Nelson to satisfy an execution in favor
of the commissioners for the county of Twiggs - property pointed out by
the commissioners
One lot of land, No. 97, in the 25th
district of formerly Wilkinson now Twiggs county, taken as the property
of Asa Cotton and Hardy Lashley, in right of his wife, administrators
on the estate of A. Davis, deceased,
to satisfy sundry executions in favor of Isaac Lester - levied on
and returned to me by James Ricks, constable.
One half of lot of land, No. 163,
in the 28th district of formerly Wilkinson now Twiggs county, taken as
the property of Josiah Davis
to satisfy sundry executions in favor of William Grimes - levied
on and returned to me by James Wheeler constable - property pointed
out by Burrel Waller.
One lot of land, No. 181, in the
25th district of formerly Wilkinson now Twiggs county, taken as the property
of Peter L. Levingston to
satisfy an execution in favor of Joel Rushin against Samuel Powel
said Levingston - property pointed out by Joel Rushin and returned to me
by Wiliam R. Jones, constable. H . LAWSON. Shff July 28,
August 9, 1815
Georgia Journal
On the first Tuesday in September
next, will be sold at the court house in Marion, Twiggs county, between
the usual hours, the following property towit:
One lot of land No. 97, in the 25th
district of formerly Wilkinson county, tolerably well improved, taken as
the property of Abraham
Davis, dec'd, to satisfy three executions in favor of Josiah Stewart
- the aforesaid levies made by a constable and returned to me. John
Faulk, D. Shff. July 26, 1815
October 18, 1815
Georgia Journal
On the first Tuesday in November
next will be sold at the court-house door in Marion, Twiggs county, the
following property, viz.
Half of lot No. 96 in the 25th district
of formerly Wilkinson, now Twiggs county, tolerably well improved, taken
as the property of William Nelson
satisfy an execution in favor of the Commissioners of the court-house and
Jail of Twiggs county.
Lot No. 125 in the 24th district
of formerly Wilkinson, now Twiggs county, very well improved, taken as
the property of Lewis Daniel to satisfy
an execution in favor of George Lewis.
Lot No. 45 in the 25th district of
formerly Wilkinson, now Twiggs county, taken as the property of
David Bates, deceased, to satisfy an execution in favor of Lewis Proudhomme
for the use of Joseph Smith and others. The above levy made by Mathew Hodges,
late Sheriff of Twiggs county, and returned to me.
7 or 8,000 staves, taken as the property
of Robert Fulwood, to satisfy
an execution in favor of Joseph Thompson.
A lot in the town of Marion No. 2,
tolerably well improved, taken as the property of Timothy
Bruin to satisfy an execution in favor of William Davis.
R. LAWSON, Shf. .September 30
November 15, 1815
Georgia Journal
On the first Tuesday in December next, will
be sold at Marion, Twiggs county, between the usual hours, the following
property, to wit:
202 1-2 acres of land, in the 24th
district Wilkinson when surveyed, Lot. No. 62, 3d quality, given in by
John Morgan, and taken to satisfy his tax for the year 1814 - tax due
88 1-4 cents.
202 1-2 acres of land, in the 27th
district of Wilkinson, now Twiggs county, lot No. 35, given in by
John Harvell, and taken as his property to satisfy his tax for the
year 1814 - tax due 73 cents.
202 1-2 acres of land, lot No. 188
in the 28th district of Wilkinson, now Twiggs county, taken as the property
of James Jones to satisfy his tax
for the year 1814 - tax due $1.29 cents
1256 1-4 acres of swamp land, in
the 25th district, in the Ocmulgee swamp, and also 8?6 acres of pine land,
in the 25th district, taken as the property of William
to satisfy his tax for 1814 - tax due $955 3/4 cents. (?)
Wm. Jones, T.C.T.C.
November 3, 1815
Augusta Chronicle
We have heard a report which we suppose
to be founded in truth, that an affray
took place a few days past near Marion in Twiggs county, between some of
our citizens and a parcel of Indians who had come in to trade, in which
several of the latter were wounded, and perhaps some killed. Geo Journal
We have just now been informed by
different gentlemen, of respectability, from Twiggs county, that the circumstances
attending this wanton, cowardly and atrocious act, are as follows: Seven
Indians, five men and two women came to Marion to trade, where they remained
on that day, til near night, when they retired to a distance, and camped
in the woods. A party of six or seven men from the village followed them,
and immediately commenced a quarrel, when one of the whites stabbed an
Indian; after which the whites retired to the village, prepared themselves
with muskets, returned to the indian camp, and covering their cowardly
assassin arm, by the darkness that surrounded them fired into the middle
of the unsuspecting Indian circle, wounded three of the men and one of
the women. So flagrant, base and atrocious an act we sincerely ho for the
sake of Humanity, for the honor of our country; whose fame and character
has been so wantonly prostituted, for the sake of these innocents and respectable
families, who inhabit that frontier and whose lives are endangered by this
vile act of cruelty, that means will be taken to prosecute to conviction,
the authors of so grievous, so public and so unmanly a crime.
December 13, 1815
Georgia Journal
On the first Tuesday in January next, will
be sold at the courthouse in Marion, Twiggs county, between the usual hours,
the following property, to wit:
One negro man by the name of Joe,
levied on as the property of William
Nelson to satisfy an execution in favor of Eli S. Shorter.
One negro man by the name of Armstead,
and a negro woman by the name of Charlotte & her child,
two feather beds, one chest, one trunk and eight slays, four cups and saucers,
four plates, one oven; also, Marbury and Crawford's Digest of the Laws
of Georgia, one sorrel mare and colt, taken as the property of Wiliam
Nelson to satisfy the executors of James Thweatt dec'd - the
said property pointed out by Littleton G. Hall.
One negro woman by the name ofLucy
and her child, taken as the property of John
Ward, to satisfy an execution in favor of
John Crowel; property pointed out
by the defendant.
202 1-2 acres of land, it being lot
No. 131 in the 25th district of Wilkinson now Twiggs county, taken
as the property of Aaren Snowden
to satisfy an execution in favor of the executors of S. A. Hopkins dec'd.
262 1-2 acres of land, it being lot
No. 76, in the 27th district of Wilkinson, now Twiggs county, taken as
the property ofThomas Black, to
satisfy an exectuion in favor of Isaac Hill.
One negro man by the name of Amos,
taken as the property of Aaron
Snowden and Mathew Hodges, administrators of Josiah Vasser dec'd,
to satisfy an execution in favor of Thomas Hare; returned to me
by William R. Jones, constable.
202 1-2 acres of land, being lot
No. 108 in the 7th district of Baldwin now Twiggs county, taken as the
property of Robert Lyons and Benjamin
Brown, to satisfy an execution in favor of R. Walton & others;
returned to me by H. Norsworthy constable.
Also, that part of lot No. 143, in
the 23d district of Wilkinson now Twiggs county, taken as the property
of Joseph B. Jones, to
satisfy an execution in favor of Gilbert Hay; pointed out by William
One bay mare and seven head of hogs,
taken as the property of Alston
W. Massey, to satisfy an execution in favor of William Pain,
vs. Alston W. Massey and John Faulk his security.
Also, 101 1-4 acres of land, being
half lot No. 163, in the 28th district of Wilkinson now Twiggs county,
taken as the property of Josiah
Davies, to satisfy and execution in favor of Burwell Waller,
predicated on a mortgage. ROGER LAWSON, Shff. November 29, 1815.
February 14, 1816
Georgia Journal
on Tuesday the 26th of March next, at the late residence of David
Henry, late deceased, of Twiggs county, all the personal property belonging
to the said deceased, consisting of horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, one waggon,
one set of blacksmith's tools and house-hold and kitchen furniture, plantation
tools, corn and fodder, with other things too tedious to mention. Also,
one negro woman to be hired on the same day. Terms made known on
the day of sale. Dinah Henry, Adm'x, Wm. R. Henry, Adm'r.
Feb 6
February 21, 1816
Georgia Journal
Will be sold at Marion, Twiggs county,
on the first Tuesday in March next, between the usual hours,
A negro woman named Chan
and her child; taken as the property of William
Nelson, to satisfy an execution in favor of the Executors of Ja's
Thweatt, dec'd. Roger Lawson, Sh'ff. January 29, 1816.
March 20, 1816
Georgia Journal
810 acares (sic) valuable land for sale,
Being four adjoining squares, on
the waters of Turkey creek in the county of Twiggs. Few tracts of land
will be found to offer to the farmer greater advantages. A great proportion
of it is upland of the first quality, particularly for the cultivation
of cotton. There are now on it 100 acres of cleared land, on which is a
young orchard of two thousand peach trees - also, a never-failing stream
on which there is a mill erected. The terms of sale will be made accommodating
to the purchaser - of which more particular information may be had by application
to T. Fort in Milledgeville or the subscriber on the premises. Henry
Jemison. January 27.
April 3, 1816
Georgia Journal
The Patriots of '76 are dropping
off one at a time; we have now but few left; yet we have the consolation
to know that true patriotism exists in the rising generation. -At the house
of Archibald M'Intyre, Esquire, of Twiggs county, on the 12th inst. Col.
JOHN LAWSON expired, after an illness of only two days. He had
literally grown grey in the service of his country. It is well known that
during the revolutionary struggle, he took an active part in behalf of
Freedom. He lived many years after to enjoy the blessings his hard toils
had wod. He has filled some of the most important statins in the civil
as well as military departments of the state. In his death, society has
lost a truly benevolent & patriotic citizen, and his friends and relations
a humane and tender parent and virtuous friend. - a few days before his
death, to wit, on the morning of the 7th instant, his youngest son, ANDREW
LAWSON, Esquire, Sheriff of Twiggs county, departed this life at the
house of David Delk in the county of Wilkinson, on his way home
from Washington. His illness was short tho' severe, yet he bore it with
that fortitude that becomes a rational and intelligent being, conscious
of having done his duty-few young men would be more lamented.
April 24, 1816
Georgia Journal
~excerpt~ EXECUTOR SALE - On the 27th
day of April next,..house of William Smith, two miles below Marion,
all the personal property of David
Ussery, deceased consisting of 4 or 5 horses, a waggon and gier, some
household furniture, plantation tools, &c...William Smith. Ex'or. March
Will be sold on the 31st of May next, at the house of Jacob Ricks, late of Twiggs county, dec'd, ..one horse, some cattle, sheep, goats, a yoke of oxen and cart, two shot guns, ..Harris Ricks, Ja's Ricks, Ex'ors. April 17.
May 15, 1816
Georgia Journal
~excerpt~ sold..first Tuesday in July next..lot
of land No. 2 in the 23d district..also No. 121, seventh district.. No
11 in the 23th district,..undivided one fourth part of No. 35 in same district,
being part of the real estate of Andrew
Creighton, dec'd. ..Christopher Orr, Jonathan Orr..Ex'ors.
On Saturday the 6th July next, will be sold at the late residence ofStephen Stephens, dec'd in Twiggs county, all the personal property...Celia Stephens, Adm'x. May 23.
Will be sold, on Saturday the 6th of July
next, at the house of Jesse Walls, sen. in Twiggs county, all the
personal property of
John Lam,
dec'd, consisting of corn, fodder, hogs, and household and kitchen furniture...Ezekial
Wall, Adm'r. May 23.,
On the first Saturday in July next, will be sold at the late dwelling house of Britain Griffin, deceased, in Marion, all the personal property of said Britain Griffin...James Roberts, Ex'or in right of his wife.
Will be sold at the late residence
of Col. John Lawson of
Twiggs county, dec'd, all the personal property of said dec'd. (except
negroes( to wit: horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, household and kitchen furniture,
one old waggon, plantation utensils, &c @c...
Roger Lawson, Arch'd M'Intyre,
Qualified Ex'ors. May 15
May 29, 1816
Georgia Journal
Jackson County - Inferior Court - 202 1/2
acres of land in the 25th District #33, of Wilkinson County, real
estate of Mary Staton, dec'd.,
for benefit of heirs. Fleming Staton, Guardian
submitted by R.
Elizabeth Brewer
June 19, 1816
Georgia Journal
Married, on Thursday last, by the Rev.
M. Mathew, the Rev.
Frederick D. Wimberley of Twiggs county, to Miss Sarah
M'Ree, of Jones county.
June 19, 1816
Georgia Journal
On Friday the 26th of July next, will be
sold at the house of Insel Spence, in Burke county, the whole of
the personal estate of Hardy
Fulgham, late of Twiggs county dec'd. consisting of one mare and colt,
two beds, bedding, &c. and sundry other articles of house hold furniture
and plantation utensils. Terms made known on the day of sale. And all persons
having lawful demands against the estate of said Hardy Fulgham, are notified
to render them in attested, within the time prescribed by law, and those
indebted to said estate to make immediate payment to Mary Fulgham, Adm'r.
May 23.
August 14, 1816
Georgia Journal
Will be sold in compliance with the
will of Solomon A. Hopkins,
four town lots in the town of Hartford, and one tract of land in the county
of Twiggs of the following description: No 1 in square D, with a large
two story House, well calculated for a Store and Dwelling, with other convenient
out houses, at present occupied by
Tooke & Smith as a store
and dwelling.
Also, lot No. 3, in square M, with
gin-house and gin, now in fix for ginning; two other lots in square O,
No. 2 and 3, immediately on the river.
Also, 202 1-2 acres of prime land,
near the Ocmulgee, in twenty-fifth Wilkinson, at the time of survey
and known in said district by No. 265.
Twelve months credit will
be given; notes and approved security will be required before the property
is conveyed. The sale to commence the first Tuesday in October next. Nancy
Hopkins, Ex'rs. Jas. M. Taylor, Morinca Howard,Ex'ors. June 24, 1816.
December 25, 1816
Georgia Journal
On the first Tuesday in February
1817, will be sold at the court-house in Twiggs county, in conformity with
an order of the court of Ordinary of Putnam county, two hundred two and
a half acres of land, situated in the 28th district formerly Wilkerson,
now Twiggs county, No. 214, for the benefit of all the heirs and creditors
of Robert Iverson, deceased.
Henry Branham, John Harvey, Adm'rs. December 3.
~excerpt~ ...court of Putnam county..will
be sold at ...Marion, Twiggs county, ...tract of land containing 202 1/2
acres, lying in the 24th district of formerly Wilkinson, now Twiggs, No.
98, ..part of the real estate of William
Stinson, deceased...administratrix's executor. Thomas Davis, Qualified
Ex'or., Nov. 5
~excerpt~ leave to sell one hundred one and fourth acres of pine land, being part of lot No. 23, in the 27 district..real estate of John Land late of said county, dec'd...Henry Solomon. Adm. may 22, 1816.
~excerpt~... Hancock county, for leave to sell a tract of land lying in the 24th district of Wilkinson at the time it was surveyed, No 260...belonging to the heirs of Samuel Foster, deceased. Elizabeth Foster, adm'x. Sept. 10.
February 25, 1817
Georgia Journal
~excerpt~ Departed this life on the 4th
February, 1817, in the 28th year of her age, Mrs.
DOROTHY WIMBERLY, the late very amiable consort of Ezekiel Wimberley,
Esq. of Twiggs county.
June 24, 1817
Georgia Journal
Married on Thursday evening last, Mr. Kennady
Dennard, merchant, to the amiable Miss Sarah
both of Marion, Twiggs, county.
July 15, 1817
Georgia Journal
$100 Reward. BROKE Jail, and made his escape
from the county of Twiggs, on the night of the 8th inst. JESSE TRAYWICK,
a person charged with the murder of John
M'Coy. - The said Traywick, is about five feet seven or eight inches
high, between forty-five and fifty years of age, light complexion, small
round blue eyes, and inclinded to be bald. Whoever will apprehend said
Traywick, and return him to the Jail of the said county of Twiggs, shall
receive the above reward. SAMUEL DICK, Sh'ff Twiggs county. July 14.
July 22, 1817
Georgia Journal
STATE OF GEORGIA By his honor William Rabun,
President of the Senate, and commander in chief of the Army and Navy of
this State, and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION.
WHEREAS I have received information from
the Sheriff of Twiggs county, that
Jesse Traywick, who was committed to the Jail of the said county for
murder, did, on the night of the 7th instant, (July,) break said Jail,
and has probably left this State-I have therefore thought proper to issue
this my Proclamation, hereby offering a reward of two hundred dollars to
any person or persons, who may apprehend and secure the said Jesse Traywick
in any safe Jail in this State;
and I do moreover hereby charge and require
all officers, both civil and military, to be vigilant and attentive on
endeavoring to apprehend and secure the aforesaid Jesse Traywick, if to
be found within this state, and to give all aid and assistance in their
power to any other person or persons, who may apprehend him for confinement
in Jail, in order that he may be brought to trial for the offence of which
he is charged.
Given under my hand and the great
seal at the State-house in Milledgeville, this 15th day of July, in the
year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, in the 42d
year of the Independence of the United States of America. William Rabun.
By the President, Abner Hammond, Sec'ry of State.
Jesse Traywick is about 5 feet or 8 inches
high, between 45 and 50 years of age, light complexion, small blue eyes,
and inclined to be bald.
July 22, 1817
Georgia Journal
On the first Tuesday in September next,
will be sold at the Court-house in Marion, Twiggs county.
202 1-2 acres of pine land, near
the Ocmulgee, No. 265, lying in the 26th district Wilkinson at the time
of survey (now Twiggs county) in compliance with the will of Solomon
A. Hopkins, dec'd - nine months credit will be given and approved security
will be required, before the property is conveyed. Nancy Hopkins,
Ex'r. Ja's M. Taylor, Mordecai Howard, Ex'ors. July 18.
July 22, 1817
Georgia Journal
~extract~ Georgia, Twiggs county; Whereas
Hambleton and
Sarah T. Rains, apply for letters of administration
on the estate of Robert Rains, dec'd;
Given under my hand, this 14th July, 1817. Micajah Fulgham, c.c.o
July 22, 1817
Georgia Journal
Agreeable to an order of the honorable the
Inferior Court of Twiggs county, one lot of land containing 202 1-2 acres,
lying and being in the said county of Twiggs, being lot No. 215, in the
twenty fourth district of formerly Wilkinson county, and drawn by the orphans
of Robert Craig, dec'd-Sold for
the benefit of said heirs. Jesse Fulgham, Guardian. July 14
July 22, 1817
Georgia Journal
On the first Tuesday in September next,
will be sold at the Court-house in Marion, Twiggs county.
202 1-2 acres of pine land, near
the Ocmulgee, No. 265, lying in the 26th district Wilkinson at the time
of survey (now Twiggs county) in compliance with the will of Solomon
A. Hopkins, dec'd - nine months credit will be given and approved security
will be required, before the property is conveyed. Nancy Hopkins,
Ex'r. Ja's M. Taylor, Mordecai Howard, Ex'ors. July 18.
August 5, 1817
Georgia Journal
MARRIED on Thursday evening the 17th of
July, by the Rev'd J. Seaton, Doct'r DAVID JAMESON to the
amiable and accomplished Miss ELIZABETH
MIMMS, both of Twiggs county.
August 26, 1817
Georgia Journal
Will be sold on the first Tuesday
in October next, at the court-house in the town of Eatonton, two hundred
two and one half acres of land, lying in the county of Twiggs, on Stone
creek No. 214; also, one hundred and seven acres, lying in Liberty county
on Bull Town swamp, adjoining Samuel Jones - sold for the benefit
of the heirs of Robert Iverson,
agreeable to an order of the court of ordinary of Putnam county. Henry
Branham, Jno. Harvey, Adm'rs. July 28.
August 26, 1817
Georgia Journal
Agreeably to an order of the Inferior
court of Twiggs county, will be sold to the highest bidder at Twiggs court-house,
on the first Tuesday in October next, 101 1-4 acres of land lying in said
county on Shelstone (sic) creek, the real estate of Stephen
Stephens, dec'd - for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Celia
Stephens, Adm'x. July 29.
August 26, 1817
Georgia Journal
On the first Tuesday, in October
next, will be sold at the court-house in Twiggs county, a square of land
No. 185 lying in Twiggs county, belonging to the estate of Seymor
S. Bryom, dec'd. John Byrom, Adm. July 7.
August 26, 1817
Georgia Journal
Agreeable to an order of the honorable the
Inferior court for the county of Twiggs, will be sold on the first Tuesday
in October next, at the court-house in Morgan county, one lot of land lying
in the said county of Morgan, consisting of 22 1-2 acres, once distinguished
by No. 41, in the eleventh district of formerly Baldwin county, to be sold
for the heirs of said dec'd. Mary Cathright,
Adm'x. July 7.
August 26, 1817
Georgia Journal
On the third Thursday in September
next, will be sold at the late residence of William
Payne, deceased, in Twiggs county, all the personal property of said
deceased, consisting of horses, cattle, hogs, household and kitchen furniture,
farming utensils, and sundry other articles too tedious to mention. Terms
- six months credit, by giving good security. Samuel Payne, Daniel Payne,
N.B. A Cotton Machine and Threshing Machine, with a complete Fan and other
apparatus at the same time and place for sale. July 38.
August 26, 1817
Georgia Journal
On the first Tuesday in October
next, will be sold in Marion Twiggs county, part of the real estate of Joseph
Brady, deceased, consisting of three
negroes, 29 acres of swampland, fraction No. 163, 7th district of Baldwin
now Twiggs county, and 202 1-2 acres pine land in Wilkinson county, No.
192, on the waters of Cedar and Buck creeks. Sold for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms of sale made known on the day
of sale. J. F. S. Freeman, Adm'r, In right of his Wife. July 25.
August 26, 1817
Georgia Journal
Georiga, Twiggs county
Durham of this county toils before Leonard P. Hargrove, Esq.,
one Bay Horse, about four feet eleven inches high, six years old, a star
in his forehead, left fore foot and right hind foot white - appraised to
twenty-five dollars, 2d August, 1817.
Also, William
Holliday of this county, tolls before James Ware, Esq., a Bay
Mare, eight or nine years old, fourteen hands high, with a star in her
forehead, marked on each shoulder thus E. F. -appraised to forty dollars,
July 5, 1817. Edwin Hart, CLk I. C.
August 15.
September 2, 1817
Georgia Journal
Married on Thursday evening 28th August,
in the town of Marion by L. B. Smith, Esq. Mr. Kinchen W. Hargrove to
the amiable and well accomplished Miss Wineford
Spullock, both of that place.
Savannah, August 21. Jesse Traywick, who was the subject of the governor's proclamation of the 15th ultimo, charged with murder, and escaped from the jail of Twiggs county was lodged in Chatham jail yesterday afternoon by Samuel Harville, esquire, of Liberty county. - Republican.
December 15, 1817
The Reflector (Milledgeville)
STRAYED or stolen on the 2th November, near
Jamison's, in Twiggs county, a chestnut sorrel horse, about 5 years
old, 5 feet high, with a star in his forehead, and a scar on his forefoot
under his footlock. Also, a small bay horse, 4 feet 7 inches high, has
rather a dished face. The above reward will be given to any person who
will deliver the above horses to Mr.S. Buffington, Milledgeville,
Mr. Harden, Marion, or myself near Mr. Jamison's.
Twiggs county, Dec. 4, 1817
April 27, 1818
Georgia Journal
Twiggs County, 1818
List of persons of color, registered in
my office, in conformity to an act of the Legislature of this state, passed
December 19, 1818.
Bias Kelly, 24, bn: S. C., res: Twiggs
12 yrs. -. Farming
Barbery Ursins (female), 38, bn:
NC, res. Twiggs 13 yrs. - spinning
Nancy Ursins , 22, bn: SC, res Twiggs 13
yrs. - spinning
Sam Ursins, 14, bn: Washington County,
res Twiggs 13 yrs. farming
M. Ursins (no gender)3 months, bn:
Twiggs, res Twiggs 3 months
Robin Ursins (no gender 6 months, bn: Twiggs,
res. Twiggs, 6 months
Sal Ursins, (no gender) 16, bn: SC,
res Twiggs, 13 years.
/S/Edwin Hart J.I.C.
submitted by E. Ranny Brewer
May 19, 1818May 31, 1818
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
For Sale, a Bargain, Oakmulgee River Low
Grounds of the First Quality
THE Subscribers would dispose of from One
Thousand to Twelve Hundred Acres of such LAND, of which about one hundred
acres are already cleared and in cultivation, with houses for negroes and
corn crib, The above Lands are in Twiggs county, 28th district Wilkinson,
4 or 5 miles below the Garrison, and immediately below the Old Fields,
so justly celebrated for their extraordinary good and deep black soil,
intermixed with isinglass; this land in point of fertility fully equals
them; it is chiefly covered with thick Cane, intermixed with luxuriant
Mulberry, Sassafras, Holly, Whiteoak, Elm, &c. all as large as nature
can produce-no undergrowth prevents further easy clearings-along the bank
are several elegant fisheries, and the river affords fish of all kinds
in abundance. It is less subject to overflowing or washing away than any
low grounds on that river, being secured by back waters. The navigation
is equal, if not superior to the Oconee river, and Boats already carry
down produce. The fragrant woods entirely without moss, invite residence
on the river, as well as the adjoining high lands, and no cases of bilious
complexion have ever appeared.
Persons desirous
to provide for themselves and family a sound settlement, on LANDS, inexhaustible
by cultivation, and yearly advancing in value, will find it their interest
to make early application to the subscribers, who will dispose of the half
or whole, as it may suit purchasers, on reassemble terms. Johnson
& Kunze Agents, Robert Johnson, Sweetwater, Colum. John M. Kunze, Augusta.
Letters directed to either will be attended to.
July 3, 1818
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
Nine months from the date hereof, application
will be made to the honorable the court of ordinary for Columbia county,
for leave to sell 202½ acres of Land 26th district, Lot No. 32,
formerly Wilkinson, now Twiggs' county, granted to the heirs of Jesse
Patsey Moore, Augustus Crawford. Guardians
for Pamela K. Moore. February 18
July 7, 1818
Georgia Journal
~excerpt~ Will be sold on the first
Tuesday in August next, at the residence of Edward Epps, of Twiggs
county, a young negro fellow named Henry,
to the estate of John Chappell,
Sen'r deceased..Benj. Chappell, John Chappell, Thomas Chappell.
June 16
July 28 1818
Georgia Journal
Excerpt: "On July 7, 1818, Major John
Harden, of Twiggs Co., married Ms.
Mary S. Hadley, of Montgomery Co. Married by David Chambers,
July 28, 1818
The Reflector (Milledgeville)
MARRIED, In Sparta, on Monday
evening the 20th inst. Mr.
Walter Lucas, merchant, of Marion, to Mrs.
Eliza Butts.
October 20, 1818
The Reflector (Milledgeville)
NOTICE. On Friday the 16th of October next,
will be sold at the late residence of William
Bunn, dec'd, Twiggs county, part of the property of said dec'd,
consisting of Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Household Furniture, Plantation Utensils,
&c. many other articles too tedious to mention. Twelve months credit
will be given; purchasers to give notes with approved security. All persons
having claims against said estate, are requested to bring them forward
properly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law. HENRY BUNN,
adm'r Twiggs county, August 17
November 17, 1818
The Reflector (Milledgeville)
On Tuesday, 4th January, 1819, will be sold
at the court house in Waynesboro', Burke county, agreeably to an order
of the court of ordinary of said county, 202½ acres of land, lying
and being in the 24th district of Wilkinson (now Twiggs county) -
said land drawn in the name of Jacob Rodgers, Bulloch county, and
known by the No. 272. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of Hardy
Fulgham, deceased. Cader Fairchild, adm'r in right of his wife.
Burke, November 5.
The Legislature of this state has voted to major Thomas Woodward and James Watson, esq. of this county, the sum of five hundred dollars as a compensation for their services and expenses incurred in apprehending Jesse Traywick, who made his escape from Pulaski jail in January last.
December 22, 1818
The Reflector (Milledgeville)
NOTICE. On Saturday the 2d of January next
will be hired out and rented for one year at the late residence of William
Bunn, deceased the land and negroes belonging to the estate of said
deceased. The negroes
consist of men, boys, women and children. The plantation has upland of
one hundred acres of cleared land, part of which is fresh, with a convenient
dwelling house and necessary outhouses. Also, will be sold on said day,
a quantify of corn and fodder, together with many other articles. Terms
will be made known on the day. Henry Bunn, adm'r. Twiggs county,
November 4.
On the premises, in Twiggs county, on the
18th of January next, all the perishable property ofMoses
deceased - consisting of Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Corn, Fodder,
Cotton, household and kitchen Furniture, Farming Utensils, &c. sold
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. John M'Donald,
Dec. 5.
Agreeable to the last will and testament to James Wood, deceased, of the county of Chatham and state of Georgia, will be sold at Marion, in the county of Twiggs, on the first Tuesday in February next, to the highest and best bidder without reserve, one lot of Ocmulgee bottom Land, in the 28th district of Wilkinson county originally, now Twiggs, and known by No. 158, containing according to survey 202 1-2 acres. Terms of sale one half cash, the balance one year after, secured by mortgage on the land, or approved security. Persons wishing to view the land, will call on Mr. Benjamin Ray, William H. Moon or Robins Andrews Esq'rs, eight miles below Fort-Hawkins, on the river road. Robert Johnson, Attorney. For ..Wood, Ex'ro. Nov. 26
January 12, 1819
Georgia Journal
On the second Monday in February
next, will be sold at the plantation of Mrs. Elizabeth Bozeman, Twiggs
county, all the property belonging to the estate of Henry
Ruddell, deceased, consisting of household and kitchen furniture, one
horse and one gig. On a credit until the first Monday in November next
- purchasers giving bond and security; all sums under five dollars,
cash. George Ruddell, Adm'r. Dec. 22
January 19, 1819
Georgia Journal
Will be sold at the court-house in Marion,
Twiggs county, on the first Tuesday in Mach next, a small
negro boy belonging to the estate of Henry
Zone, dec'd; for the benefit of the heirs - sold by order of the Court.
The Executors. December 28
The first Tuesday in February next, will be sold at Marion, Twiggs county, 11 negroes, consisting of men, women, boys and a girl, belonging to the estate of Solomon Rouse, dec'd. Terms made known on day of sale. Mary Rouse, Adm'x. Nov. 25
On the 5th day of February next, will be sold at the late dwelling house of James Sutton, deceased, of Twiggs county, all the perishable property of said deceased, consisting of cotton, horses, cattle, hogs, household and furniture, and sundry other articles too tedious to mention; all will be hired on the same day, four negroes, to wit: two men, one boy and one woman, until the first day of December 1819. Patsy Sutton, Adm's, Wright Sanders, Adm'r. Dec. 25
January 26, 1819
Georgia Journal
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in March
next, in the town of Marion, Twiggs county, the following property, to
101 1-4 acres of land, No. 87, in the 27th
district of Wilkinson when surveyed, now Twiggs county; taken as the property
of Benjamin Fagin, to satisty
three executions in favor of William Hudson and others.
405 acres of land, Nos. 104 and 89,
in the 27th district of Wilkinson when survyeyed, now Twiggs county - taken
as the property of William
Federiek, to satisfy four executions in favor of George Jemison
levied on by Henry Nasworthy, constable.
Moses Wheat, Sh'ff. January 18.
March 2, 1819
Georgia Journal
After the expiration of nine
months, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of
Tiwwgs county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the
real eastate of Thomas P. Moffett,
deceased. Gabriel Moffett, Adm'r. January 13, 1819
On Tuesday the 20th of April next, will be sold at the late residence of Benjamin Mathews, deceased, in Twiggs county, five negroes, a man, a woman, a boy and two small children-corn and fodder, household and kitchen furnture and other articles too tedious to mention, the property of said deceased; terms made known on the day of sale. Loderick Mathews, Wm. A. Tharp, Adm'rs. Feb'y 13
Notice - That on Thursday the 15th of April next, will be sold at the house of Nicholas Lloyd, in Twiggs county, all the perishable property of Willie Brown, deceased, conisting of two horses, one riding chair, and a number of other articles too tedious to mention - the terms made known on the day. Clarissa Brown ex's. March 3
August 11, 1819
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
202 1-2 Acres of Swamp Land
on the Ocmulgee river, at the time of survey,
in the 25th district of Wilkinson (now Twiggs) known as No.
202 1-2 Acres of Land
on Cedar creek, at the time of survey in
the 23rd district of Wilkinson county, known by the No.
202 1-2 Acres of Land
situate at the time of survey in the 8th
district of Wilkinson county, known by the No. 135
For further particulars and the terms of
sale, apply to
F. Walker
June 4
December 1, 1819
Augusta Chronicle
Notice. Agreeable to an order of the Honorable
Court of Ordinary of Lincoln county, will be sold at Lincoln Court House,
on the first Tuesday in February next, all the real estate of John
Moss, Sen., dec'd consisting of 487 Acres of Land, Joins Walton and
Leseur, be the same more or less, with a good dwelling house, and other
necessary out buildings.
202 1-2 Acres of Land,
Lot No. 83, in the 27th District of
Wilkinson. The above land to be sold in three installments, one third of
the money to be paid in hand, and for the balance the terms will be made
known on the day of sale-sold for the benefits of the heirs and creditors
of said deceased. John Moss, Admr. Nov. 8.